Do you have things in life you would love to do each day, once a week, or once a month but don’t have the willpower to do it? Well I do and will share with you the best way to form these into positive habits

My one habit that I started with this month is flossing my teeth every day.

The way to form this habit for me was to start a bet with my boyfriend. We have a calender in our bathroom. If you floss you mark the calendar with a sticker. The person with the most stickers at the end of the month wins. The loser has to take that person out to dinner and to the comedy club for some good laughs. I belive this will work because we both are very competitive people.  By the time the month is over we will hopefully have formed a postive habit of flossing our teeth every night 🙂

I will let you know how it goes. So far we are tied on the 11th day.